Monday, December 14, 2015

Friday, November 20, 2015

Vocab Study Sheet for Castle Learning

Vocabulary Study Sheet
Assignment: Ecology Due 4/30
Course: Biology/Living Environment
Teacher: Ms. Cho
Class: 82
Report Date: 11/20/15 8:27 AM

abiotic factor
A physical factor of the environment such as water, light, temperature, soil, air.
A substance that kills bacteria.
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
The main energy carrying molecule in the cell. When the third phosphate is removed, energy is released and it becomes ADP (adenosine diphosphate).
An organism that can use the energy from the Sun or chemical reactions to make organic nutrients from inorganic materials.
Differences and variety in the organisms and their roles in an ecosystem.
The portion of the Earth on which living things exist.
Living; alive.
carbon dioxide
(CO2) An inorganic clear colorless gas released as an end product of respiration; one of the starting materials needed for photosynthesis.
An organism that eats other animals.
carrying capacity
The maximum number of organisms that an ecosystem can support without deteriorating.
The struggle that results when more than one species has the same requirements for survival.
A heterotroph; an organism that cannot make its own food and must ingest (eat) organic nutrients.
Organisms of decay which convert organic compounds into inorganic compounds.
The removal or destruction of a forest by cutting down or burning the trees without replacing them.
dynamic equilibrium
A balanced state of the body or a system; for example, homeostasis or a predator-prey relationship.
The study of the interactions of living things and their environment.
The interaction of living things and their nonliving environment.
All the living and nonliving things that surround a living thing.
The process of change in living things through time.
The destruction of all members of a particular species.
food chain
A series of organisms, starting with a producer, through which food energy is passed in an ecosystem.
food web
A series of interconnecting food chains in an ecosystem.  Arrows show the direction that energy is moving in.
The diagram below shows an example of a food web.
The portion of the environment in which an organism exists.
A heterotroph that only feeds on plants.
The sum total of genetically inherited characteristics which are passed from parents to offspring.
An organism that cannot make its own food and therefore must ingest (eat) organic nutrients.
An organism that a parasite lives on and from which it obtains nutrients.
To mate members of different species.
limiting factor
A nonliving, physical factor that limits the type of organisms that can exist in a particular ecosystem.
A change in the genetic material.
An organism's particular role in the community.
Food; molecules used by the cell for its metabolic activities including energy, growth, repair and regulation.
An individual living thing.
Heterotrophic organisms that live on or in another living thing and do harm to it.
The process by which green plants (autotrophs) convert light energy to chemical-bond energy stored in organic nutrients.
All the members of the same species living together in a given region and capable of interbreeding.
A carnivore that hunts and kills and eats its prey.
Organisms that can use the energy from the Sun or chemical reactions to make organic nutrients from inorganic materials.
The process of reusing materials rather than throwing them away.
A protected area.
A carnivore that feeds on dead animals it finds.
A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
The replacement of one type of community by another until the stable climax community is reached, which remains in place until it is destroyed by some catastrophe.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


HW: Make 2 graphs on the computer:
1. Create a graph that uses 1 y-axis
2. Create another graph that uses 2 y axis
3. Answer Questions on blog


1.For the mice and fox population, why is it necessary to create a double y graph? Use evidence from both types of graphs

2.What trends do you notice in your double y graph?

3.What conclusion can you make about predator prey relationships?

4.Is it a DD or DI graph? Explain


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Paragraph 1:
1.Explain what type of growth is occurring. Don't just say: it is an exponential growth. 
2.Explain sections of your graph:
Where does the slowest growth occur?
Where is the growth most dramatic?
3.Analyze: Why is your population is growing at this rate? Think: What type of factors could deter (stop) this growth rate?

Paragraph 2: 
4.If a wolf population was introduced, what would happen in the next generation? Plot it on your graph as generation 7.
If a wolf population was wiped out because of disease, what would happen to the rabbit population? Plot it on your graph as generation 8

Monday, November 2, 2015

Answer the following question on looseleaf:
1.     Find the word conserving in the article. Use context clues to determine the definition. Do not look it up in the dictionary or internet.
2.     How are countries like Brazil trying to conserve the rain forest? Why is it important to conserve the rain forest?
3.     Explain how illegal deforestation and illegal mining is contributing to climate change. Words you must use in your explanation: greenhouse gas, global temperature, carbon dioxide, fossil fuels
Starter: Machines are used to cut down trees which are powered by                                         .
4.     Indigenous tribes are groups of people native (local) to the territory. Their territory is encroached (invaded) by illegal miners and loggers. Is it fair to them that their territory is being invaded?
5.     Do you think IBAMA (the Brazil’s environmental protection agency) is effective in the fight against the war in the Amazon? Create a T-Chart as to whether they are Effective or Not Effective in their methods. You need at least 4 reasons (not including the example)
IBAMA is Effective because…
·       they are destroying the expensive machines used by the illegal miners and loggers
·       when they destroy the machines, they burn it which pollutes the air

Thursday, October 29, 2015

1.Summarize your topic in 3-4 bullet points (Who, what, where, when)
3.Effect (Impact on the ecosystem—abiotic and biotic)
4.Is there a connection to climate change?

5.List at least 4 facts you learned other than the ones mentioned above (ex: Fines, laws that were created to protect, etc)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Required Diagrams and explanation

Directions: Copy and paste each diagram into your google slides presentation. (Don't forget to cite!) Make TWO conclusions about your diagram

  • Example 1: Explain the diagram with references to specific countries. For example in America, the desertification level is...while in Northern Africa it is...
  • Example 2: Explain the diagram with reference to parts of the United States. On the eastern side of the United States it is...The west coast.... etc.


In order to learn more about water stress indication, read more at:
Is it good to be over exploited? What does this mean? What parts of the world is water as a resource a problem? Not a problem?


In order to analyze this world map, you must do background research on this website:

Friday, October 9, 2015

81 and 82 HW

Please read article until the graph. (pages 1-3.5) (read and analyze the graph)

  1. How do developing countries complete waste disposal? (Give at least 3 examples with a short description)
  2. Which African country disposes the most waste by dumping? Give evidence from the graph.
  3. Which Asian country recycles the most? Give evidence.
  4. What are at least 3 problems associated with disposing of garbage inadequately? Give details to the problems
  5. Of the European and Mediterranean countries, which country do you think is a developing country? Explain your reasoning.
  6. Of the European and Mediterranean countries, which country do you think is a developed country? Explain your reasoning

Monday, June 8, 2015

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

All classes

1.In the excerpt, what is Rachel Carson warning humans about?
2.How has your picture changed over time?

3.In what other ways, besides the use of DDT, have humans impacted the world we live in?

Monday, May 11, 2015

Extra Credit for all classes:

1. Who is Jennifer Doudna and what was the scientific discovery?
2. Why is her discovery helpful?
3. Harmful?
4. How much money was she awarded?
5. What would you do with that money?
6. What is a patent and why is it important to her discovery? Look it up if you need to


May 11 HW

81: Finish lab
7H: Finish up to question 13

82 and 83: How do the circulatory and respiratory systems interact with one another? In your explanation, include specific organs that are the key players. Minimum of 3 sentences.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Choose 2 organ systems that we learned about.
How do 2 organ systems interact together to maintain dynamic equilibrium?

Due Tuesday 5/5

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Genetic Engineering

Use the following link to learn more about the concerns about genetic engineering to help you with the following questions:

1. Chickens as Drug Factories

Scientists in Scotland have successfully produced five generations of chickens that lay eggs containing certain protein-based drugs. The scientists changed the DNA of the chickens so that two drugs, one used to treat skin cancer and the other used to treat multiple sclerosis, were present in the egg whites. Cows, sheep, and goats have already been altered to produce protein-based drugs in their milk. Chickens are considered good “drug factories” because they are inexpensive to care for, they grow fast, and their chicks inherit the special drug-producing ability.

Explain why scientists altered the DNA of the chickens instead of altering a protein already present in the chickens. In your answer, be sure to:
 • identify the technique used to alter the DNA [1]
• state one reason why the scientists altered the DNA of the chickens instead of altering a protein already present in the chickens [1]
• state one advantage of using chickens for this procedure [1]
• state one reason why some people might not support this method of drug production

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spring Break Packet

7H: Chemistry Element Project. Click the link for the project outline:

82&83: Packet--ALL PAGES

81: Castle Learning (Reproduction +Mix)  and Scientific Notation worksheet (link will be posted soon--technical issues!)

All projects/assignments due Monday, April 13

81 Reproduction HW

I forgot to mention crossing over in class.
The reason you are not exactly like your parents is because of CROSSING OVER which mixes up parts of the chromosome in prophase 1 of MEIOSIS. Watch the video to learn more and to answer questions successfully.

28 Questions: Write ONLY the answer on looseleaf

Monday, March 30, 2015

81: CER

Do humans reproduce sexually or asexually?
Claim, Evidence, Reasoning must be used to support your answer. No less than 5 sentences

Monday, March 23, 2015

81 NYTimes 
1.Using the first paragraph, what was the conventional wisdom that many women followed to prevent peanut allergies? What does conventional mean?
2.LeBron says that peanut allergies can be prevented by introducing children at a young age. How can he support his claim? Give at least 2 pieces of evidence.
3.What do scientists suggest women can do to prevent peanut allergies?
4.In the study by Dr. Lack, who had more peanut allergies: Jewish children or British children? Why?
5.Scroll to the bottom and click on COMMENTS. Then click on “READERS’ PICK”. Choose a comment that you agree with and write a response of how you would respond to the comment (whether you agree or disagree, and why)

6.Explain the process of allergies: how does your immune system respond to peanut allergies?

Friday, March 20, 2015

7H Take Home quiz

1.Which natural disasters can be contributed by humans? (5 sentences minimum)
2.Which natural disaster would cause the greatest destruction in NYC? (C, E, R- 5 sentences)

3.For the presentation portion of coming to the board, reflect on the biggest challenges and how you can improve. 

82 & 83 HW

From NSTA Uncovering Student Ideas in Science: Life Science

81: Should vaccination be mandated by law?

Read the following articles to determine whether or not vaccinations should be required by law:

After reading the articles, construct a 5 paragraph argumentative essay as to why people should or should not vaccinate:

Paragraph 1/Introduction:
  • what should people reading your paper know about immunity, pathogens, vaccines?
  • State your position (whether people should OR should not vaccinate) at the LAST sentence of your paragraph

Paragraph 2&3:
  • Claim 1 
  • Evidence
  • Reasoning
  • Don't forget to cite

Paragraph 4/Counterclaim
  • State the opposing side's view. 
  • Explain the opposing side's view
  • Explain why their argument is still weak! For some reason, you guys hardly complete the counterclaim!!! Focus on this point
Paragraph 5/Conclusion: 
  • sum up your main points (but not in the same wording, or else...) :)

Don't forget:
  • space bar after punctuations like commas, periods
  • no contractions: shouldn't = should not
  • No pronouns like: I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc.)
  • Cite the articles using MLA formatting learned in class. 

Use Claim, Evidence, Reasoning
Due Tuesday

NSTA Uncovering Student Ideas: Life Science

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

figure it out

7H Weathering and Erosion

In-Class  --    use NY State Coach book
Chapter 45, pages 220-223

1.Compare and contrast mechanical weathering and chemical weathering. Give examples and descriptions of both chemical and mechanical weathering (at least five total examples). Use the slides.
2.Describe some of the factors that impact the rate of weathering on a rock.
3.Define erosion. How is it similar or different than weathering? What are agents of erosion?
4.What is the parent rock with regards to soil formation?

Mars and the Moon have many impact craters across their surfaces. The Earth has someimpact craters but not nearly as many. Given what you’ve learned these past three weeks about earth sciences, explain, in your own words, why Earth has far fewer impact craters. Use ClaimEvidence and Reasoning to answer this question. Use scientific language. You may use outside sources but cite your source(s).

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Was the US prepared to handle the outbreak?

Read the two articles and determine whether or not the US is prepared to handle an outbreak like ebola.

NOTE: you cannot complete this assignment without reading both articles.

Type your response and share it with Ms. Esther via your school email address

2 Paragraph response must include:

  • is the US able to handle an outbreak like Ebola? Make a claim, use evidence from the readings, and reasoning
  • what are some challenges to handling an outbreak?
  • Did you think the US did a good job of handling the ebola crisis this past year? why or why not? You may have to do some research on this question

Monday, March 16, 2015

81_Immunity HW

Research a disease that you listed and answer the following questions:
1. What is the general description of your disease?
2. How can you contract the disease?

3. What can you do to recover if you contract the disease?

Friday, March 13, 2015

Frog Dissection Reflection

1.Reflect on yesterday’s lab: was it fun, interesting, boring? Describe how it went and why.
2.What were some of the challenges to the dissection? Explain
3.Compare the anatomy of a frog and a human. How were they similar? Different?
for the similarities/differences, explain the function of their similarities/differences
4.What are some lingering questions you have about frogs? What would you like to find out?
5. If you could re-do this lab, what would you change?  What would you keep the same?

6. Was this lab more or less difficult than you expected?  Explain.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

HW for 7H and 82

Investigate a rock type that you found interesting (sedimentary, metamorphic or igneous) and describe how we use those rocks in our daily lives. Name the rock. Describe the use. Cite the source(s) of your information. Write no more than a page but write at least one paragraph.

Some examples of rocks in our lives: building stones, roads, cement, minerals. Something else?

Modern science has changed the way people understand their world.  In the past, the people of many societies thought that mountains, rivers, and forests were “alive.’  In much the same way that animals and plants are alive.  Today, most people recognize a difference between living and non-living things. 

Fill out the table below.  Explain HOW each shows the feature of life IF it does.
Feature of Life
Fast-moving stream
Your own example:

made of cells?
No, made of elements, hydrogen and oxygen

uses energy?

responds and adjusts to changes?


grows and develops?

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