Monday, March 23, 2015

81 NYTimes 
1.Using the first paragraph, what was the conventional wisdom that many women followed to prevent peanut allergies? What does conventional mean?
2.LeBron says that peanut allergies can be prevented by introducing children at a young age. How can he support his claim? Give at least 2 pieces of evidence.
3.What do scientists suggest women can do to prevent peanut allergies?
4.In the study by Dr. Lack, who had more peanut allergies: Jewish children or British children? Why?
5.Scroll to the bottom and click on COMMENTS. Then click on “READERS’ PICK”. Choose a comment that you agree with and write a response of how you would respond to the comment (whether you agree or disagree, and why)

6.Explain the process of allergies: how does your immune system respond to peanut allergies?

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