Monday, November 2, 2015

Answer the following question on looseleaf:
1.     Find the word conserving in the article. Use context clues to determine the definition. Do not look it up in the dictionary or internet.
2.     How are countries like Brazil trying to conserve the rain forest? Why is it important to conserve the rain forest?
3.     Explain how illegal deforestation and illegal mining is contributing to climate change. Words you must use in your explanation: greenhouse gas, global temperature, carbon dioxide, fossil fuels
Starter: Machines are used to cut down trees which are powered by                                         .
4.     Indigenous tribes are groups of people native (local) to the territory. Their territory is encroached (invaded) by illegal miners and loggers. Is it fair to them that their territory is being invaded?
5.     Do you think IBAMA (the Brazil’s environmental protection agency) is effective in the fight against the war in the Amazon? Create a T-Chart as to whether they are Effective or Not Effective in their methods. You need at least 4 reasons (not including the example)
IBAMA is Effective because…
·       they are destroying the expensive machines used by the illegal miners and loggers
·       when they destroy the machines, they burn it which pollutes the air

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