Thursday, October 2, 2014

1. Extra Help is available during lunch on Fridays!

2.     7H/81
Read the article and answer the following questions.
Read me, Read me, Read me!

11.  Summarize the article in 4 sentences
22.     What other name is Andromeda known as?
33.     What will happen after the two galaxies collide?
44 Why are Andromeda and the Milky Way galaxies supposed to collide?
55 Is advanced technology, like the telescope, the only field that allowed for the prediction of the collision? Explain.

66  Do you think the title of the article is appropriate? Explain your claim with evidence from the text.

3. Exam Topics for Friday, 10/3

  • independent variable
  • dependent variable
  • hypothesis
  • experimental vs control group
  • conclusion
  • indirect vs. direct relationship

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