Friday, October 25, 2013

HW for Monday 10/28


  • Finish parts 1-6 of lab
  • central park advertisement that promotes sustainability or going green due
  • essay is late if submitted this weekend
  • test corrections for those who got a D or below
  • email me with questions if necessary

  • essay for central park is due. email or share it with me via email
  • use text as evidence: article used in class
  • advertisement already due!

  • make an advertisement that promotes sustainability or going green
  • include words (The clever the better!)
  • include a drawing
  • use the sheet of paper I gave you as a final copy! :)
    • words to give you clues:
      • renewable/nonrenewable
      • 3Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle
      • greenhouse effect/global warming
      • ecosystem/biodiversity
  • argument essay on central park due
  • use your graphic organizer to help you!

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