Thursday, February 26, 2015

81 Readings

1. Carb loading diet:

2. High Fat Diet:

3. High Protein:

1.What are 3 main points of the article
2.Why and how is your specific article related to your health as a growing teenager? Is it important to be conscientious of your diet at this age? Will it affect your future?

3.How do you incorporate organic molecules into your diet?


4. Homework: Michael Phelps' diet

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

81 HW

Hints to help on p. 2
Neutral pH = 7
Acidic is a pH of 1-6.9
Basic is 7.1 -14 = alkaline conditions

Monday, February 23, 2015


81 HW Click here

7H/82 Quiz Makeup Quiz...Can't find the document! Assignment on hold!!! Sorry

Saturday, February 7, 2015

81 Osmosis lab questions

Answer in your notebook:
1. What is osmosis?
2. What are 2 objectives/goals for this lab?
3. Why will the paper towel play an important role for this lab?
4.  What percent concentration is the salt? (How much salt per the amount of water in %?)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

81 state lab

Read this thoroughly.
State Lab to be read in its entirety and prelab to be completed