Saturday, September 21, 2013

HW for Monday, Sept 23

82/83: Make a conclusion using the 4 steps in class.

Here's the data table

Questions, comments, need help?
just email:
Check skedula--grades to be up by sunday night.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

HW week of 9/9

Homework List for Week of Sept 9:

Monday (Sept 9):

1. Materials (refer to letter)

Tuesday (Sept 10): 
1.   Welcome SURVEY due Thursday, Sept. 12

 2. Welcome LETTER to be signed and returned to Ms. Esther by Thursday, Sept. 12
                    To download and print, click here

3. Materials

4. If not completed in class:

2 academic Goals in Science for the next two quarters
-How will you reach your goal? (steps)
-explanation why it is important

2 personal goals for yourself 
-how will you reach your goal?

-Why is this important to you?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Welcome Welcome Welcome!

Welcome to 8th Grade Science!

Are you ready for a great year? I sure am!

Please use this blog as a resource center for homework, notes, and updates!

Ms. Esther